Alpha in a Chinese Context
In Genesis, there are two pivotal moments that involve “seeing”: Hagar’s eyes were opened to a life-saving well (Genesis 21:19), and Abram was shown the vast land promised to his descendants (Genesis 13:14-15). These turning points not only shaped their lives, but altered the course of history.
What do you see God doing today? What invitation is he extending to us?
Join us on October 12th for an envisioning event hosted by Alpha Canada’s Chinese Context team in the lower mainland of BC as we listen, discuss, worship and pray together. Vinnie Tang, Interim Executive Director of Alpha Asia Pacific & Global Senior VP of Alpha International, and Rev. Dr. Francis Tam, Executive Director of CCCOWE Canada, will share what God is doing globally and throughout Canada. There will also be a time to hear from local church leaders about how God is working through Alpha in the communities of the lower mainland. Come and see what God is doing. Join us!
Saturday, October 12th
10 am – 12:30 pm
A complimentary lunch will be provided after the event.
This event will be in Mandarin. Please let us know if you need Cantonese translation.
Alpha Canada hosts this event with our friends: CCCOWE Canada, Canadian Pacific District of C&MA, and VCEMF(Vancouver Chinese Evangelical Ministerial Fellowship).
在創世紀中,有兩處關於“看見”的故事意義深遠。一處是夏甲在曠野中,上帝開了她的眼睛,“她就看見一口水井”(創21:19) 。另一處是在約旦河平原,上帝對亞伯蘭說“你要從你所在的地方,舉目向東西南北觀看;你所看見一切的地,我都要把它賜給你和你的後裔,直到永遠。”(創13:14-15) 這兩處“看見”都發生在兩位主角的人生轉折點上,也成了我們人類歷史的转捩点。
10月12號,啟發加拿大團隊 (Alpha Canada) 邀請您參加我們在大溫地區舉辦的啟發華人異象分享會。屆時,將有 Vinnie Tang, 亞太啟發臨時總幹事&國際啟發副主席,以及世界華福加拿大聯區總幹事譚文鈞牧師博士,與我們分享他們所看見的上帝在全球、以及在加拿大的作為。我們也將邀請多位加拿大本地教會領袖與我們分享,上帝如何透過啟發在他們的處境中做工。來吧,看看上帝的作為,一起探索上帝對我們處境新季節的邀請!
活動協辦方:加拿大華福 ,Canadian Pacific District of C&MA, 基督教大溫哥華華人教牧同工團契。
10月12號, 星期六
10:00 am – 12:30 pm PT
3330 SE Marine Dr, Vancouver, BC V5S 4R8