Sensitivity to the Spirit : Called to Connect
I have many fond memories of summer vacation with my cousin, but one simple routine stands out. The two of us were often tasked with picking up groceries or forgotten items in preparation for camping. Yet, when it was time to pay my cousin always had a side quest: finding the most disgruntled-looking cashier. Annoyingly for me, that usually meant the slowest line up. However long the line-up, the goal was to try to make the cashier’s day better. Sometimes it was just a kind word or a thank you. Sometimes it turned into laughter because for my cousin, it was all about making a connection.
By nature, I’m goal oriented so I can get overly focused and keep my head down as I bury myself in tasks. Years ago, I was feeling overwhelmed by all the personal and ministry work that had to be done for summer preparations. My calendar was packed. I was getting stuff done but I had a deep sense that I was missing the real assignment. Exhausted, I simply prayed, “God, help me to do today only what you want me to do.” I didn’t accomplish everything on my list that day, but I did feel the Holy Spirit call me to connect with people.
It’s now become my daily prayer that convicts me to see events and tasks differently. Like choosing the longest line up at the store with my cousin, the goal isn’t to simply get the groceries and complete the chores. The Spirit nudges me to look up, see people through His eyes, and meaningfully connect. God is challenging me to see my work calendar as opportunities for prayer and wonder. When I ask God to help me be more sensitive to the Spirit and that my heart be in tune with His goals and not my own, it changes everything.
– Monique Chan, English Youth Pastor at Richmond Capstain Alliance Church