About Us
About Us
We collaborate with leaders and churches to make disciples who extend the message of Jesus, locally and globally.
The Alliance Canada is a group of approximately 440 local churches that aims to be a Christ-centred, Spirit-empowered, and Mission-focused movement in everything we do. The Canadian Pacific District, comprised of British Columbia and the Yukon, is one of six regions across Canada.
We are committed to:
We pray, listen to the voice of God, and respond accordingly.
We engage in partnerships within the Alliance, and with like-minded denominations, parachurch organizations, and leaders.
We embrace a multicultural expression of leadership teams and the Church.
We engage in biblical and theological reflection and cultural awareness.
We train and resource leaders and churches for ongoing growth and development.
We develop new strategies, raise up new leaders, and launch New Ventures.
Come, transform us to be
Mission-focused people,
multiplying disciples everywhere.

Our District Staff
Our District Partners
Our DEXCOM Members
The Alliance Canada is a group of approximately 440 local churches…read more