About Us

About Us


We collaborate with leaders and churches to make disciples who extend the message of Jesus, locally and globally.

The Alliance Canada is a group of approximately 440 local churches that aims to be a Christ-centred, Spirit-empowered, and Mission-focused movement in everything we do. The Canadian Pacific District, comprised of British Columbia and the Yukon, is one of six regions across Canada.

Our District Vision

We are committed to:

Leading in Step with the Holy Spirit

We pray, listen to the voice of God, and respond accordingly.

Collaborative Partnerships

We engage in partnerships within the Alliance,    and with like-minded denominations, parachurch organizations, and leaders.

Intercultural Fluency

We embrace a multicultural expression of leadership teams and the Church.

Thinking Christianly

We engage in biblical and theological reflection  and cultural awareness.

Lifelong Learning

We train and resource leaders and churches for ongoing growth and development.

New Wineskins

We develop new strategies, raise up new leaders, and launch New Ventures.

Our C&MA Vision Prayer
O God, with all our hearts, we long for You.
Come, transform us to be

Mission-focused people,
multiplying disciples everywhere.

Our District Staff

Our District Partners

Our DEXCOM Members

Looking for an Alliance Church?
The Alliance Canada

The  Alliance Canada is a group of approximately 440 local churches…read more

Joshua Chui

New Venture Implementer

604-372-1922 x104 | joshuac@pacificdistrict.ca

Josh initially joined the District office in 2022 as an administrative assistant but has now transitioned to the role of New Venture Implementer. From 2015-2021, Josh served with Athletes in Action, where he developed and cultivated a love for ministry. From 2017-2021, Josh completed a degree in Masters of Theological Studies from Taylor Seminary in Edmonton. During this time, he felt God stirring a passion in him for international missions and the local church; this has lead him to where he is now today.

In his free time Josh loves playing sports, cooking, and board games.

Erin Knott

Assistant District Superintendent - Executive Administration and Governance

604-372-1922 x106 | erink@pacificdistrict.ca

Erin joined the CPD in 2014 and her role primarily focuses on executive administration, communication, resourcing, bylaws, and governance. She has a passion for healthy structure that supports effective ministry. Erin is married to Mike and has two soccer and rugby-loving kids. She loves the ocean, Starbucks conversations with friends, and a good book.

Nicki Lundrigan

Benefits Assistant

604-372-1922 x102 | nickil@pacificdistrict.ca

Nicki joined the Pacific District in 2008 to assist with the day to day administration of the District employee benefits. She serves as a vital front line contact with District personnel for enrollment and ongoing coverage in the District benefits plan. With attention to detail and commitment for accuracy, Nicki works with District personnel, insurance brokers, and insurance companies to ensure that any questions and problems are promptly and effectively dealt with.

When not in the office, Nicki is a busy mom to two daughters who, along with her husband, enjoys spending free time together. Nicki enjoys travelling, gardening, and the fun challenge of a DIY home project.

Grace Ortlieb

Administrative Assistant

604-372-1922 x111 | graceo@pacificdistrict.ca

Grace joined the CPD in January 2025. She serves as part-time administrative assistant and comes with a teaching and ministry background.  She is married to Eldon and has three grown girls.  In her free time you will find her reading, gardening, going for long walks or volunteer-training leaders at Bible Study Fellowship. 

Sarah Parker

Reception & Administrative Assistant

604-372-1922 x100 | sarahp@pacificdistrict.ca

Sarah is married to Nick and they have two young kids, Ayla and Declan. She completed a degree in Intercultural Studies from Columbia Bible College and is passionate about the local church and international missions. She loves people, a good cup of coffee, and being by the ocean.

Mark Peters

District Superintendent

604-372-1922 x110 | markp@pacificdistrict.ca

Mark has been involved in pastoral ministry for 23 years, serving on the staff team at First Alliance Church (Calgary) and then as Lead Pastor at North Shore Alliance Church for 13 years.

Mark is passionate about Scripture and theology; he is particularly interested in the intersection between Christ and Culture. Mark is a strategic thinker and a collaborative leader who enjoys identifying, equipping, and empowering others.

Mark is married to Naomi and has two children, Luke (beginning university) and Anna (High School). Mark loves sports of all kinds (long distance running, soccer, tennis, and golf ) and he is also a woodturner in his free time.

Lisa Rohrick

Assistant District Superintendent - Mission Mobilization

604-372-1922 x107 | lisar@pacificdistrict.ca

After twenty years with the C&MA in West Africa, Lisa joined the district team in 2019.

Lisa has a heart for the local church and for the unreached peoples of the nations. She loves to tell the stories of what God is doing worldwide and to inspire others to expand and deepen their involvement in missional activities. Her role includes training, coaching, and supporting a wide variety of leaders, to increase the focus and impact of our missional efforts.

Lisa enjoys photography (and visiting pretty places in which to take pictures!), knitting, swimming and riding her bike.

Dwayne Toews

Assistant District Superintendent - New Leader Development

604-372-1922 x107 | dwaynet@pacificdistrict.ca

Dwayne’s role on the district team focuses on licensing, ordination, and leader development. He spends the bulk of his time overseeing the district’s licensing and ordination processes, and also functions as Office Manager of the District Office.

Dwayne is an experienced lead pastor and Leadership Development Coach. He served at Yarrow Alliance Church for 17 years as a music and lead pastor. He is skilled in developing non-profit organizations, coaching, discipleship, and pastoral counselling. He is a strong community and social services professional with a Master of Arts (M.A.) focused in Organizational Leadership from Trinity Western University.

Dwayne has been involved in missions work since 1989, travelling overseas for a year with the Continental Singers. He has been leading missions trips to Mexico since 2006 as well as participating in missions work in China. Dwayne is married to Charlene and has two children, Hayden (married to Natalie) and Brandon. As a family, they love to travel, particularly to places where scuba diving is possible.

Kim Tran

Administrative Assistant

604-372-1922 x105 | kimt@pacificdistrict.ca

Kim began work in the District Office in 2013.  Her role includes reception, hosting, supporting Dwayne, and administrative support for the executive office. She and Minh have two boys who keep them busy!

Brian Buhler

Homiletical Coach


Brian has been an ordained minister with the C&MA for 40 years. He’s taught preaching courses at Ambrose Seminary as well as numerous seminars and workshops and was a plenary speaker and preaching instructor for the Billy Graham School of Evangelism for a number of years. Brian’s unique areas of strength are Christ-centred exposition, Old Testament narrative, and preaching that climaxes with the Lord’s Supper.

Brian and Myrna enjoy their three married children and 7 grandkids, all of who live in Greater Vancouver. Brian’s favourite hobby is painting bold west-coast landscapes. Exploring the world of art has helped Brian see and communicate the biblical narrative with more right-brained creativity.

David Driedger

Board Leadership Training Partner


David has served at Lakewood Alliance Church since the fall of 2002, first as an associate, then as Lead Pastor starting in November 2005. David has been on various committees including DEXCOM, District Nominating Committee, a few General Assembly Committees, and the Rules Committee for District Conference. David has an interest in church governance and seeing healthy leaders serving on healthy boards in order to better equip and serve the church.

David and Tara are in the process of launching their three young adult sons and enjoy seeing the trajectories their lives are taking. David enjoys woodwork and getting out cross-country skiing in the winter.

Charlene Kane

District Safety & Risk Management Consultant


Charlene is the District Consultant for Safety & Risk Management. Her primary role is to support churches in the creation, implementation, and regular review of their safety and risk management policies. Charlene has been an active HR professional for over a decade and is currently working as a Consultant and Executive Coach while she focuses on raising her children. She is a people enthusiast; connecting and caring for others is where her energy comes from!

Carmen Kinniburgh

District Children’s Ministry Partner


Children’s ministry involves developing leaders, discipling children and families, exercising creativity, with an emphasis on fun and building relationships that help others to experience God’s love as they are loved by people who know God’s love. Carmen has served in children’s ministries as a volunteer, coordinator, curriculum writer, camp speaker, and pastor. Her desire in ministry and life is to help others (whether they be children, youth, or adults) to hear God’s voice and to experience the freedom and fullness of love found in knowing Jesus and living kingdom lives. Whether your children’s ministry is led by volunteers or a pastoral leader, Carmen would love to connect, build networks, support, resource, pray with, and provide care in whatever areas are needed.

Carmen lives in Vernon with her husband, Jeremy, and their two teenage kids. She loves playing soccer, hiking, camping, and theatre. She and Jeremy have founded two new ministries called Threshold Initiatives and Contributing Pastor.

Andy Lambkin

Team Lead - Property Development & Nest Housing Society


Andy wears two hats in the Canadian Pacific District. He serves as our New Venture implementer, helping new communities of faith emerge across our province, and he also leads the Nest housing Society, a non-profit affordable housing society working with local churches to utilize their land for social good while fulfilling critical ministry priorities. If you have questions about either of these areas, please reach out.

Personally, Andy is married to Jolie and they have four kids. Residing in North Vancouver, they call simplechurches, a network of house churches, their church home.

Grant McDowell

Board Leadership Training Partner


Grant is an ordained pastor in the Alliance family of churches. He cherishes the love of his life, Donna, and he is grateful that his three adult children and amazing son-in-law love, teach and encourage him. He likes hikes; he rides a mountain bike; he still tries to play hockey. He has fallen down in each of these efforts. His favourite expressions of the Holy Spirit’s gifts include teaching/training, developing others’ capacities to lead, and coaching others to become more of what God has created, called, and gifted them to be. Writing, preaching, blogging, podcasting, and coaching are important avenues of communication for Grant, who has published five books aimed at helping others integrate faith and life.

Stuart McKnight

Ordination Partner - Theology & Doctrine


Scotland, Australia and Western Canada are the places where Stuart has lived, studied and ministered. Along the way being blessed by Teresa and 6 Children (ages 25-9), they are now amateur farmers with pigs, chickens, cats and dogs. Having served in local church pastoral leadership for over 20 years, Stuart is now the founder and primary voice of ‘Theology Now’. With a passion for truth, history and theology, Stuart’s ministry is to teach a ‘grander vision of GOD’.

Geoff Stewart

District Youth Ministry Partner


Youth ministry is among the most demanding ministries in the church from a relational standpoint, serving young people who are defining the ever changing culture we live in. Leading in youth ministry is best not done alone, and Geoff desires to help our youth pastors serve and encourage one another through the sharing of resources, wisdom, experience, and perspective. In the ever-changing world of today’s high school student, it is vital for us as youth pastors to be changing with them to understand the world they are navigating and share with them the life changing truth of the Gospel.

Geoff has been a youth pastor for 6 years at Peace Portal Alliance Church and volunteered for 10 years before that in the same church. He is passionate about seeing young people transformed by Jesus and becoming leaders in their school and community. He and his wife Lavonne live in South Surrey with their cats Norman and Puff Daddy.

Arrow Leadership

CPD Partnership


For 30 years, Arrow Leadership has been helping leaders find clarity, community, and confidence for greater Kingdom impact. We offer Jesus-centered programs, personal mentoring, organizational consulting, and resources that develop you and your team to lead differently. Click here for more information.

Brad boyd

Lay Person

Brad is a member of North Shore Alliance Church and has served on the Elders’ Board in various roles over many years and also served on the Board of the church he attended while living in Egypt for work from 2012-16. He became a member of the Finance Committee of the CPD in late 2022.

Brad started his work career with accounting firm KPMG and has a CA, CPA. He joined a Vancouver-based chemical company in 1996 taking on a variety of accounting and finance roles and is currently in an executive role with oversight responsibilities for Human Resources and Information Technology.


Abe Chan

Senior Pastor at Fraser Lands Church

I grew up in Vancouver in a non-Christian home. While studying architecture in Winnipeg, I received Christ into my life at the age of 19. Shortly afterwards, I fell in love with Deb and we got married in 1987. We feel blessed to have a son. Since my calling to pastoral ministry in 2003, I have been trying to follow the Lord as best as I can. This has meant: discerning God’s will with my family, leaving my architectural career after 15 years, going back to school at 41 years of age for a seminary education, serving as a pastor at Fraser Lands Church since 2004, getting ordained in 2009, and being installed as the Senior Pastor in 2018.

The words of the Apostle Paul have become my life verse for ministry: “On the contrary, we speak as those approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please people but God, who tests our hearts” (1 Thess. 2:4). The Lord has placed in my heart a deep passion for “The Spiritual Practices of Church Renewal” and “Being a Loving Presence of Christ in Our Neighborhoods.” Aside from ministry, my favourite foods include crab and prime rib, preferably eaten at the same time! I love fishing, gardening, and hockey, and will remain a Canucks fan to the end. I also enjoy travelling and spending time with family and friends.

Keith Cheung

English Lead Pastor at Burnaby Alliance Church

Keith was also an active member at Westside Calgary Chinese Alliance Church before moving to Vancouver to begin full-time pastoral ministry. After a brief stint pastoring in a church from another denomination, Keith began serving as the English Lead Pastor at Burnaby Alliance Church in 2017 where he continues to serve today.

Keith is married to Cecelia (20 years this year!) and they are raising 2 beautiful daughters (11 and 6) who they adopted from Taiwan and Korea respectively. He loves, in no particular order, cooking and eating and conversations, the Saskatchewan Roughriders, road cycling, family reunions, and good movies and music.

Carmen Kinniburgh

District Children’s Ministry Partner

Children’s ministry involves developing leaders, discipling children and families, exercising creativity, with an emphasis on fun and building relationships that help others to experience God’s love as they are loved by people who know God’s love. Carmen has served in children’s ministries as a volunteer, coordinator, curriculum writer, camp speaker, and pastor. Her desire in ministry and life is to help others (whether they be children, youth, or adults) to hear God’s voice and to experience the freedom and fullness of love found in knowing Jesus and living kingdom lives. Whether your children’s ministry is led by volunteers or a pastoral leader, Carmen would love to connect, build networks, support, resource, pray with, and provide care in whatever areas are needed.

Carmen lives in Vernon with her husband, Jeremy, and their two teenage kids. She loves playing soccer, hiking, camping, and theatre. She and Jeremy have founded two new ministries called Threshold Initiatives and Contributing Pastor.

Janet Kirby

Lay Person

Janet is a member of Mission Creek Alliance Church in Kelowna. She and her spouse, Arnold, have been married for over 30 years and have two adult children.

She has a particularly keen interest in the areas of church governance, leadership, administration, and financial stewardship. She is a Chartered Professional Accountant and also has a master’s degree in Christian Studies from Trinity Western University and Seminary. In addition to significant formal education in these and other areas, Janet has extensive and multi-faceted practical experience and knowledge gained through many years of working and serving in her home church and with local, provincial, and national Christian and other non-profit organizations either as their professional advisor or through serving on boards and/or committees in various positions. This includes being a member on the Board of Directors for The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada from 2012-2018, including serving as Secretary (2012-2017) and Treasurer (2016-2018) and serving on multiple Board committees during that time.

Terry Ann Opperman

Official Worker

David has served at Lakewood Alliance Church since the fall of 2002, first as an associate, then as Lead Pastor starting in November 2005. David has been on various committees including DEXCOM, District Nominating Committee, a few General Assembly Committees, and the Rules Committee for District Conference. David has an interest in church governance and seeing healthy leaders serving on healthy boards in order to better equip and serve the church.

David and Tara are in the process of launching their three young adult sons and enjoy seeing the trajectories their lives are taking. David enjoys woodwork and getting out cross-country skiing in the winter.

Kenda Reimer

Official Worker

My husband, Darcy, and I live in Squamish and co-pastor The River Church which we planted 15 years ago. We have four teen/young adult children. I grew up in Regina at Hillsdale Alliance and attended Canadian Bible College (CBC). I then worked at Bayridge Alliance, Kingston before attending Ontario Theological Seminary (now Tyndale) and graduating with my Master of Divinity counselling and am now a Registered Clinical Counsellor. While at seminary, I was the youth pastor at Ritson Rd. Alliance, Oshawa and volunteered at Valley View Alliance, Newmarket.

Following graduation, I became the residence director for women at CBC where we were married and started our family. Moving to North Shore Alliance I took a break from paid ministry until we moved to Squamish. Since coming to Squamish, I have become a trained Spiritual Director and have discovered through this practice a relationship with God that is deeper, more challenging, yet more intimate and real than ever before.

Steve Schneider

Lay Person

Steve is a layperson and a member of Peace Portal Alliance Church in Surrey. He has been married to his wife Brenda since 1984. They have two adult daughters. He is an engineer by background and holds an MBA from Heriot-Watt University. He works in the paper industry and is also the President of SGS Consulting Ltd. He has recently become a licensed worker in the CPD.

Steve has served in varied ways over the years but has more recently been focussed on church board work. He served on his first church board 36 years ago. Since that time, he has served on four different church boards and the District Executive Committee of the CPD. Over the last 12 years Steve has actively been teaching and consulting with church and not-for-profit boards within and outside of The Alliance Canada to help them develop healthy governance practices.

The Alliance Canada

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The Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA) was founded in 1887 by Rev. Albert Benjamin Simpson, a Canadian pastor of a Presbyterian church in New York City. Simpson was driven by a desire to pursue the higher Christian life, as well as sense of urgency to take the message of Jesus Christ to all nations. These two driving forces prompted Simpson to join two evangelization societies he led- The Christian Alliance, and the Evangelical Missionary Alliance for foreign missions. The joining of these two groups became the birth of The Christian and Missionary Alliance.

By the 1920s, the C&MA was becoming a powerful evangelical movement in both Canada and the United States. There were 19 “branches” in eastern and central Canada, and four in western Canada. In the 1930s, God continued to grow the Alliance churches and movement amid the Great Depression. In the early years, the C&MA in Canada was governed by the U.S Alliance, marking the beginning of a strong cooperative relationship that remains today.  It wasn’t until January 1, 1981, that The Alliance Canada became its own fully autonomous organization. In the 40-plus years since then, The Alliance Canada has had six presidents, and experienced a growth of over 440 churches.

Simpson had an extraordinary passion for missions, evangelization, and ministry. Over the years, he felt a great burden for the poor, the neglected, and all those who had never heard the Gospel, both locally and globally. He would regularly hold evangelistic services, run rescue missions, preach in prisons, provide medical help for the poor, and even opened an orphanage and a home for unwed mothers. Simpson had a missional heart, especially for immigrant populations, once demonstrated by him leading approximately 100 Italian immigrants to Christ. Simpson was also passionate about studying and knowing God on a deeper level, placing great emphasis on others and himself having real encounters with Jesus. In his own personal life, Simpson also experienced divine healing, which became a major turning point both in his beliefs about healing and his ministry. This powerful encounter with Jesus through healing, combined with his study and devotion to pursuing God more deeply, became the groundwork for the fourfold Gospel.

What is the "fourfold Gospel"

The term fourfold Gospel describes the historic emphasis of The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada (C&MA) on the person of Jesus Christ. These characteristics of Jesus and His ministry are what defined the C&MA more than 100 years ago, and they continue to lay out the foundation of our Christ-centred, Spirit-empowered, Mission-focused work today. Our founder A.B. Simpson’s life was transformed by encountering the power and presence of Jesus and it is our hope that you encounter Him as well.

The pitcher symbolizes Christ our Healer. It uses the symbol of oil for divine life and physical healing (Luke 4:18-19; Romans 8:11).

The crown stands for Christ our Coming King. He will come back to this earth and reign forever (Matthew 24:42-44; Matthew 28:19-20).

The cross typifies Jesus Christ our Saviour. He died on a cross for our sins, and only through Him can we be made right with God (John 3:16; Acts 4:12).

The laver illustrates Christ as our Sanctifier. The laver—a large basin used in God’s temple for washing—represents cleansing from sin by the power of the Holy Spirit (Hebrews 10:14; 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24).

Carol Goh

District Chaplains Committee Chair


Carol Goh has chaired the District Chaplains Committee and served on the Association for Alliance Chaplains (AAC) National Committee since 2018. She completed her Masters degree in Chaplaincy in Spiritual Care from Trinity Western Seminary and is the Neighborhood Chaplain and Pastor for Seniors at Chilliwack Alliance. As a chaplain, Carol invests in the neighborhood (parish) around the church through connecting with those who live, work, and go to school there. She intentionally supports the local public elementary school and other local organizations so that together they can weave together the fabric of care for the inhabitants. The Goh household includes her husband Andrew, their three teenage sons, Andrew’s mother, and their golden doodle.

Daren Wride

Transitional Pastors Network Coordinator


Daren Wride has been serving in transitional roles since 2011. He has been on the ground as Transitional Pastor in multiple churches around the province and has engaged as a Transitional Coach with several other churches. Prior to his transitional work, Daren pastored three churches in Alberta and BC for a total of nearly 20 years. Daren has also spent time in the professional speaking and internet marketing worlds and usually has a related project on the go.