Christ our Healer: Embracing Brokenness
5:23am. I woke up with paralyzing trepidation. An alarming sense of fear washed over my entire body. This was the third, consecutive night that a fatal tragedy struck my dad in one of my dreams. These dreams were so vivid that they seemed to stream into a weighted depiction of reality. Heavy sadness swept over […]
Listening to Promptings
“Stop studying Adam, get in your car and drive to BC.” Ok God, if you insist. Sometimes it is difficult to follow a prompting from the Holy Spirit and sometimes it is quite easy. This one was quite easy. It was April of 1998 and I was in my second year of engineering at the […]
When You’re Gasping for Air
I remember an incident as a boy when we were at the Oregon Coast, and I was knocked over by a wave. The back pull of the current was so strong that I couldn’t regain my footing and was being dragged by the waves, gasping for air and thinking I was going to be dragged […]
Cut Out the Stomping
11 years ago my husband Darcy and I planted a church in Squamish. At the time, out of the 5 kids attending, 3 were ours. With our youngest being just 2, I figured I’d be hanging out with them anyway so may as well start some sort of children’s ministry. One thing I’ve discovered about […]