Will You Trust Me?
I sometimes find it frustrating how often Jesus responds to my questions with a question. Typically, what He brings up is something that I’m avoiding in my heart or areas where I have a twisted perspective on a situation. However, over the last couple of years, there has been one recurring question: Will you trust Me?
The first time He asked me if I would trust Him, I sat in a hospital room with my son. We were facing a life-shifting diagnosis and I didn’t know how we would go forward and manage all the new challenges. Just a few weeks later, He posed the same question as I faced added responsibility when my church began a season of transition. From that point on, it became almost a daily question: would I trust Him?
After a while, I noticed that I began asking myself the question of would I trust Jesus and what He was doing. I asked it as I faced situations that felt out of my control and I needed to learn what trusting Him looked like in this space. Soon I began to also ask myself what trusting Him looked like in the decisions that were within my control. I felt my posture toward trusting Him turn from begrudgingly saying yes, to seeking how trusting Him looked in each situation.
Through this simple, yet impactful question, I’ve learned to have eyes to see how I can trust Him in each and every situation I face. It’s not only in the things that I can’t control, but more importantly, the things that are within my control where trusting Him looks like surrender to His purpose and plan.
Is there a recurring question that Jesus asks you? What does trusting Jesus look like for you today?
-Erin Peters, Fort St. John Alliance Church