How Do We Build Bridges with Our Sikh Neighbours?

There are more Sikhs per capita in Surrey than anywhere in the world outside Punjab and Sikhs comprise about one-third of the city of Abbotsford. Unfortunately, despite the fact that Christians and Sikhs live side-by-side, they understand very little of each others’ fundamental worldviews and often do not feel comfortable discussing spirituality with each other. This leads to mutual distrust, lack of empathy, and disunity between our communities and that is why it’s so important that we do something to make a change.
The first step for your church could be hosting a 3-hour seminar this Fall to help your congregation learn some basics about the Sikh worldview and values.
We want to build bridges between the two communities, helping us to understand, respect and love each other well. The seminar will cover the history of Sikhism, its core philosophical principles, its cultural values, and the numerous ways in which the Sikh worldview is practically lived out today.

The seminar will be led by Isaac Paul, an Indo-Canadian speaker, evangelist, and member of Pacific Community (C&MA) Church. He holds a Masters Degree in Linguistics and Translation from the Canada Institute of Linguistics. He has travelled and lived in countries throughout the Middle East and Asia, and has had the opportunity to interact with and study Islam, Hinduism, and Sikhism, in formal and informal settings, including engaging in street evangelism throughout the Lower Mainland. Isaac serves as an adjunct speaker for Apologetics Canada where he draws on his practical international and local evangelism experience, as well as his knowledge of world religions to equip Canadian Christians to engage with people of other faiths in truth and love. He currently works as a Bible translation consultant based out of Surrey BC.
If you are interested in potentially hosting this seminar, send an email to , and we can find a time that works for you.