Resources Template 04
If you would like your resume sent to one of these churches, please email it to the District Office. If you are not licensed with The Alliance Canada, you will need to become so prior to candidating or being hired at one of our churches. Please contact us so that we can send you the application materials.
Being the point person for Children’s Ministry gives me the opportunity to connect with Children’s Pastors and workers across BC. I am able to attend newcomers and networking luncheons, send emails, make personal visits and phone calls. The highlight of the year is the annual Children’s Pastor/Children’s Worker Retreat held every May. We take 3 days to reconnect, refresh, and renew.
You can join our Facebook group, Children’s Ministry with the Christian and Missionary Alliance, and we have also started a Facebook page discussion page on Spiritual Parenting with a focus on the book with the same title written by Michelle Anthony. It is open to anyone who would like to participate in the forum.
If you would like to connect with me, you can email me, and more information about children’s ministry in Canada is also available on the C&MA website!
Jan Gray
We are motivated by the desire to make disciples of Jesus across our nation through a movement of churches. We believe that God is at work, calling leaders and communities to “new” things to reach Canada from Sea to Sea. We call this movement of new things, “New Ventures.”
What is a New Venture?
New Ventures are emerging communities of faith who are listening and responding to what Jesus has called them to be and to become.
We firmly believe that there is no “one size fits all” when it comes to being the church. Every New Venture looks different, and we commit to walking alongside each community to help them listen and respond to how God is leading them. New Ventures may be very diverse in ministry structure, but what they have in common is the permission and potential of becoming a church at some point in the future.
Check out New Ventures Canada to explore and support the New Ventures taking root around Canada!
For more information, contact Andy Lambkin, our CPD New Venture Implementer.
SoulFormation seeks to nurture spiritual health in the lives of men and women who serve in Christian organizations. We assist pastors and other leaders in discovering avenues of revitalization that will lead to sustainable, joyful, and life-giving ministries.
Finding experiences of renewal amid the demands of serving others is one of the greatest challenges leaders face. SoulFormation endeavours to provide resources and experiences that will “give back”.
In light of challenges that come with ministry, it is critical to stop, reflect, and recover union with Christ. If we fail to do this, the “being” side of ministry will be swallowed by the world of “doing.”
SoulFormation seeks to shift the focus away from the external demands to places of inner renewal. We invite you to join us in exploring avenues that bring life and hope to the soul.
See for ministry services and resources.
Spiritual Direction
A spiritual director helps you discover and accept what God is doing in your life and what God is asking you to do. Spiritual direction is an ongoing conversation between you, the spiritual director, and the Holy Spirit about how you can know, love, and follow Christ more fully.
To find a spiritual director near you, see or contact our office at
Spiritual Directors
Are you a spiritual director and would like to be included on our list for referrals?
Click here to complete a form for consideration.
Are you a lead pastor who is endorsing a spiritual director?
Help for Churches Experiencing Transitions in Pastoral Leadership
Transition is an intentional process that takes place between the departure of a Lead Pastor and the arrival of a new one. We desire to assist churches in our District to effectively navigate a season of transition by providing support, guidance, and resources.
Our Vision for Churches in Transition
It is our vision to help churches thrive through transition. Seasons of transition are windows of opportunity for churches to experience spiritual renewal, increased health, and focused mission/vision prior to engaging in the pastoral search. Our desire is that every church hires a new Lead Pastor from a posture of spiritual health, with clarity of vision in dependence on the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Ways We Can Help
Many churches in our District have benefited from the support provided through our Transitional Ministry leaders and resources. These include:
- A Transitional Ministry Coordinator who works with the District to help churches as they enter into transition
- The Transitional Pastors Network – a team of Transitional Ministry specialists available to serve our churches through the transitional process
- Resources that outline the transitional process and provide ways to begin to address the needs of your church
Where to Begin?
It starts with a call to the District Office at 604-372-1922 about your needs and the resources available. Plans will be made to meet with the church Board of Elders in order to explore the ways your church can receive help and support.