Survey - Mental Health and Illness in Canadian Congregations
Do you attend or lead a Christian church in Canada?
If so, on behalf of a national partnership between the Flourishing Congregations Institute and Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries, you are invited to participate in a ten-to-fifteen minute online survey. This survey will explore the experiences of Canadian congregants living with mental illness or mental health challenges, attitudes towards and beliefs about mental illness and mental health challenges in Canadian Christian churches, and the congregational supports and resources related to supporting mental health and wellbeing
This survey is open to anyone who attends a Christian church or who leads a Christian church across Canada. Participation is completely voluntary and your confidentiality will be maintained.
At the conclusion of the study, a report with key findings from this research will be made publicly available online. Your valuable participation in this survey will help us to better understand the resources that are required to further equip the Canadian Christian Church to support mental health and wellbeing.If you are a church leader and are open to encouraging those in your congregation to complete this survey, there are suggested resources on Flourishing Congregations website to promote survey completion, including social media graphics, PowerPoint slides, posters, bulletin inserts, and announcements.