Temporary Clergy License Requests

Church Bylaws

Currently licensed workers in The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada (C&MA) may request a temporary clergy license in order to officiate a wedding in British Columbia. A clergy number is required to officiate a wedding.

Former workers who were both previously ordained and were licensed in the C&MA within the last five years may also apply. Please read the Licenses for the Solemnization of Marriage Policy before submitting the information below in order to determine your eligibility.

Applicants should request a temporary license as soon as possible, ideally with a minimum of four weeks in advance of the wedding date in order for the request to be processed in time. Please note that it may take additional time for Vital Statistics to process applications.

All weddings must be officiated in person with a minimum of two witnesses, as virtual weddings are not legal in BC.

Please read this important update and be sure to follow all government requirements for officiating weddings and abide by any restrictions on gathering sizes.

For any questions on clergy licenses, please contact Josh at joshuac@pacificdistrict.ca.

Temporary Clergy License Request Form

To request a temporary clergy license, please complete the following form:

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.